Responsibility Not Visible to user in the list of responsibilites assigned to User:

Responsibility Not Visible to user in the list of responsibilites assigned to User:

Recently came to know that though the system adminstrator is given the responsibility access to users, users are not able to view the responsibilities in the list of responsibilities assigned.
1. Check if the responsibility is not end dated.
2. Run the request " Syn responsibility role data into the WF table".
3. Run the request " Synchronize WF LOCAL tables" enter the paramters
– Orig System: ALL
– Parallel Process:0
– Logging Mode: LOGGING (Logging Activated)
– Temporary Tablespace : Blank
– Riase Errors: Yes
4. Run the request "Workflow Directory Services User/Role Validation" enter the paramters
– p_BatchSize:10000
– Fix dangling user/roles : Yes
– Add missing user/role assignments : Yes
– Update WHO columns in WF tables: Yes
5. Log off and login back and verify that the responsibility appears.
That should resolve the issue.
If the problem is not resolved still ask the sysadmin to start the following servives
Navigation: System Administrator > Workflow > Oracle application manager > Workflow Manager
– Workflow Deffered Notification Agent Listner
– Workflow Error Agent Listner
– Workflow Java Deffered Agent Listner
– Workflow Java Error Agent Listner.

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