Basic’s of BI

Most companies are virtually swimming in data. If only there was a way to collect this data in one place and make sense of it all with a simple report (or set of reports). Companies who can successfully extract pertinent data from their mountain of information are gaining unique perspectives of their business, enabling them…

In simple words, What is BI ?

What is BI? Business Intelligence (BI) is a computer based technique to identified, extracting (*1) and analyzing business data. For example senior management of an industry can inspect sales revenue by products and/or departments, or by associated costs and incomes. BI technologies provide historical, current and predictive views of business operations. So, management can take…

Oracle 12c Datagaurd have Simplified Switchover

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation=”slideInLeft”]I want to mention a new feature about data guard that came with Oracle 12c. This feature is switchover verify. As you know switchover is planned role transition. So you make switchover when you want to test that whether standby database is working correctly.Before 12c you make switchover and you see an error during…

Oracle DB IOPS requirements

So…let’s say you’re moving your database from the antique hardware its running on (the old hardware is always relatively an antique, right?) to the newest latest greatest hardware.  You’re also upgrading your storage to a new SAN or NAS.  The storage architect says, “Yep…according to this shiny marketing page on the storage vendor’s website, its…

SYNC TIME in Solaris 10 Server with Local Windows(Active Directory) NTP Server

SYNC TIME in Solaris 10 Server with Local Windows(Active Directory) NTP Server There are certain steps to configure NTP on Solaris, and it’s really easy and simple. Just follow the following steps For Starting NTP on Solaris:     Logon to the server using root.     Now go to /etc/inet/     Rename ntp.client to ntp.conf    …

GRT Image Duplication Fail With Status Code 191 (Database System Error 220)

Problem Duplication of GRT images from Disk to Tape fail with status 191. Job Datail stated "database system error (220)". Error Application Log: Job Detail: 4/9/2012 10:10:02 AM – Error bpduplicate(pid=8212) db_IMAGE() failed: database system error (220)        4/9/2012 10:10:02 AM – Error bpduplicate(pid=8212) Status = no images were successfully processed.       4/9/2012 10:10:02 AM – Error…