GRT Image Duplication Fail With Status Code 191 (Database System Error 220)

Duplication of GRT images from Disk to Tape fail with status 191. Job Datail stated "database system error (220)".
Application Log:

Job Detail:
4/9/2012 10:10:02 AM – Error bpduplicate(pid=8212) db_IMAGE() failed: database system error (220)       
4/9/2012 10:10:02 AM – Error bpduplicate(pid=8212) Status = no images were successfully processed.      
4/9/2012 10:10:02 AM – Error bpduplicate(pid=8212) Duplicate of backupid exchange_1333796892 failed, database system error (220).    
4/9/2012 10:10:02 AM – Error bpduplicate(pid=8212) Status = no images were successfully processed.      
4/9/2012 10:10:03 AM – end Duplicate; elapsed time: 00:18:54
no images were successfully processed(191)
NetBackup 6.5.3 to
Bpdbm has a hardcoded timeout of 5 minutes. When nblbc on the Exchange client is enumerating the GRT objects for duplication to create the catalogue entries for the duplicated image and it takes longer than 5 minutes, bpdbm will close nblbc’s socket and when nblbc tries to connect back, the socket is closed and nblbc crashes.
The formal resolution to this issue (Etrack  2425881) is included in the following release:

  • NetBackup 7.1 Maintenance Release 3 (

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