Statspack in Brief

Database Statistics Statspack is different from BSTAT/ESTAT Statspack collects more data, including high-resource SQL It precalculates many ratios such as cache hit ratios, rates and transaction statistics It uses permanent tables owned by PERFSTAT user to store performance stats It separates data collection from report generation It makes data collection easy to automate using either…

Backup and Recovery

Media Recovery – Oracle Executive Overview: The media failure is the biggest threat for enterprise data management. A media failure is a physical problem that occurs when a computer unsuccessfully attempts to read from or write to a file necessary to operate the database. The technique you use to recover from media failure of a…

Virtual Private Database (VPD) with Oracle Apps

Virtual Private Database (VPD) with Oracle Apps Virtual Private Database (VPD) with Oracle Apps Virtual Private Database (VPD) is an Oracle database security technology, enabling row level access control. With VPD we are able to control users access to data related to them only and preventing from them to access data they are not authorized…


Unix Command’s for DBA’s

Unix Command’s for DBA’s Basic File Navigation The “pwd” command displays the current directory: root> pwd /u01/app/oracle/product/ The “ls” command lists all files and directories in the specified directory. If no location is defined it acts on the current directory: root> ls root> ls /u01 root> ls -al The “-a” flag lists hidden “.” files….