Responsibility Not Visible to user in the list of responsibilites assigned to User:

Responsibility Not Visible to user in the list of responsibilites assigned to User: Recently came to know that though the system adminstrator is given the responsibility access to users, users are not able to view the responsibilities in the list of responsibilities assigned. 1. Check if the responsibility is not end dated. 2. Run the…


  Installation The NetBackup client software must first be installed as the root user. (for versions 6.x and earlier you also need to install the Oracle RMAN NBU client extension (add-on) as well). The NBU client and Oracle extension should both be at the same version, and no higher then the version of the media…

Validating sysadmin password in 11i/R12

Validating sysadmin password in 11i/R12   Use Following query to validate wether sysadmin password that we are using is correct or not select fnd_web_sec.validate_login(‘SYSADMIN’,'<SYSADMIN PASSWORD>’) from dual; If it returns Y then Sysadmin password is correct If it returns N then sysadmin password that we are using is wrong. try to change sysadmin password using…

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [opixrb]

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [opixrb-4], [1036] ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [opixrb-4], [1036], [ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number ], [], [], [], [], [] According to metalink , this is a known bug. Bug 4964703 OERI[opixrb-4] [1036] from SELECT over DBLINK with trailing :N or :Q bind names Fixed-Releases: 9208 A203 PROPOSED SOLUTION(S) ====================== 1.Applying…


Cause The default internal name of the Oracle Database Gateway for DRDA 11.2 is 01010101 (see manual -> HS_DB_INTERNAL_NAME) whereas the TG4DB2 gateway used DB21020. Checking out the dba_2pc_pending table in the Oracle database hs shown a pending transaction started by the TG4DB2 gateway a long time ago and the Oracle database now tried to…