How to find out Schema Passwords in a 10gAS Application Server

There are two basic methods to find out the schema passwords in a Oracle 10gAS Application Server:- A) Steps (through the ODM tool):- 1)   Log onto the host that hosts the infrastructure tier (e.g. host is – ausable) using x-windows like Hummingbird. 2)    Log on as user “oracle” – the user that did the install….

Linux change ip address

Q. How do I change ip address in Linux? A. There are different ways to change IP address in Linux (a) Command Line tools (b) Modify configuration files (c) Use GUI tools Task: Display current IP address and setting for network interface called eth0 Use ifconfig command: # ifconfig eth0 Output: eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr…

Funny Oracle FAQ’s

Q. What if your Dad loses his car keys? A. ‘Parent keys not found!’ Q. What if your old girl friend spots you with your new one? A. ‘Duplicate value on index!’ Q. What if the golf ball doesn’t get into the hole at all? A. ‘Value larger than specified precision!’ Q. What if you…