Adding Route in AIX

The easiest way to change the default route is to do the following: 1. Use smitty route->Remove Static Route or issue the route -f to flush the routing table. 2. You should see output to the screen informing you that routes are being removed. 3. Then issue the netstat -rn command. You should not see…

Linux lvm – Logical Volume Manager

Note : This article is from This article describes a basic logic behind a Linux logical volume manager by showing real examples of configuration and usage. Despite the fact that Debian Linux will be used for this tutorial, you can also apply the same command line syntax with other Linux distributions such as Red…

How to find top IO Process

We can find top cpu cosumption process by prstat command in Solaris , sometimes it will be necessary for us to find which process is taking more IO or IO Waits. I had searched on the internet. i had find the script to find to top IO Waits. 1. 2.