Running process to run in background
to send the running process to run in background Press CTRL-Z to suspend the job, then type ‘bg’ to send it to the background.
to send the running process to run in background Press CTRL-Z to suspend the job, then type ‘bg’ to send it to the background.
You might encounter scenarios where your queries execution plan changed. Eg : On Monday your query was running in less than a minute and on Wednesday your query started running for an hour (The query was exactly the same, query criteria (Including bind variables) were the same and the table data has not changed…
Oracle Applications login page sometimes will have the Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. Request URI:/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError The workaround used to solve this Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError was to rebounce the Apache server in Oracle Applications. Aside from rebounce the Apache server in Oracle Applications, you have to remove the server side cache as well. Stop the Apache Web Listener…
Following errors appeared during adcfgclone: started at Wed Feb 13 19:58:15 EST 2008 .end std out. adident: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory $COMMON_TOP/admin/install/$CONTEXT_NAME/ test: argument expected .end err out. Uploading Metadata file $AD_TOP/admin/template/adctxinf.tmp Metadata file $AD_TOP/admin/template/adctxinf.tmp upload failed. Check log file created by FNDCPUCF program. ERRORCODE = 137 ERRORCODE_END…
1. Log in to Core Applications as the Sysadmin Responsibility. 2. Navigate to Application > Network Test. 3. Click the ‘Clear Old Test Data’ button to purge previous test results from the database. 4. Specify the number of Trials and the Iterations for each trial for both the latency and bandwidth blocks. The default settings…