APP-FND-00362: Routine

  APP-FND-00362: Routine afpbep cannot execute request &REQUEST for program &PROGRAM Error: ===== APP-FND-00362: Routine afpbep cannot execute request &REQUEST for program &PROGRAM, because the environment variable &BASEPATH is not set for the application to which the concurrent program executable &EXECUTABLE belongs. Shut down the concurrent managers. Set the basepath environment variable for the application….

ORA-600 kcratr1_lastbwr

I hit the error below during startup of my  installation running on Solaris 64 on ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcratr1_lastbwr], [], [], [], [],[], [], [] Basically none of the instances start-up with srvctl command and log this error to alert log. Tried to run manual startup of instances but no chance same…