Adding Route in AIX

The easiest way to change the default route is to do the following: 1. Use smitty route->Remove Static Route or issue the route -f to flush the routing table. 2. You should see output to the screen informing you that routes are being removed. 3. Then issue the netstat -rn command. You should not see…

IP Restriction for Oracle EBS

1. Oracle TNS Listener Security ENABLE VALID NODE CHECKING Valid Node Checking allows or denies access from specified IP addresses to Oracle services. To enable Valid Node Checking, set the following parameters in $TNS_ADMIN/sqlnet.ora tcp.validnode_checking = YES tcp.invited_nodes = (X.X.X.X, hostname,) tcp.excluded_nodes = (hostname, X.X.X.X …) The first parameter turns on Valid Node Checking. The…

Chaning GUEST Password

1.Change the GUEST user statement to the following in $CONFIG_FILE <oa_user type=”GUEST”> <username oa_var=”s_guest_user”>GUEST</username> <password oa_var=”s_guest_pass”>GUEST</password> Use upper case letters. 3. Run AP Tier Autoconfig. 4. Verify the $FND_TOP/secure/<host>.dbc file the entry for GUEST_USER_PWD is set in the same letter case.

Patch fails with error ” Error occurred in version checking”

Patch fails with error “Error occurred in version checking”. I was apply patch on the test instance, before applying on the production instance. While apply the patch I found this error “Error occurred in version checking”, I had searched on the internet I couldnt find the solution. My friend told me redowload the patch and…

Linux lvm – Logical Volume Manager

Note : This article is from This article describes a basic logic behind a Linux logical volume manager by showing real examples of configuration and usage. Despite the fact that Debian Linux will be used for this tutorial, you can also apply the same command line syntax with other Linux distributions such as Red…


Installing Oracle 11g RAC on virtual servers using VMware.

Installing Oracle 11g RAC on virtual servers using VMware. This post describes the installation of Oracle 11g RAC on virtual servers.Hardware The following hardware was used for the installation: Operating system Processor Memory HDD’s Windows XP SP2 (32 bit) Intel P4 3Ghz 3Gb 1 x 160Gb 7200rpm & 1x 250Gb 7200rpm. Both on Ultra ATA…