How to find top IO Process

We can find top cpu cosumption process by prstat command in Solaris , sometimes it will be necessary for us to find which process is taking more IO or IO Waits. I had searched on the internet. i had find the script to find to top IO Waits. 1. 2.

Automated FTP in Unix

#!/bin/sh ### Sample Script and Method for FTP files from one ### Machine/Host to another Machine. ### ### If you want to ftp few file from ### Host-A (location /b002/org_files/) ### to Host-B (location /u001/b_loc), ### here is the script and methods. ### ### 1) Login into Host-B ### 2) cd /u001/b_loc ### 3) Then…

Troubleshooting ORA-1031 Insufficient Privilege

Today I tried to login as sysdba i was given this error “ORA-01031 Insufficeint Privilege”. So I thought to write troubleshooting tips for ORA-01031 Facts About Operating System Authentication 1. The following syntax is used while OS Authentication sqlplus / as sysdba 2. A SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES controls the operation system authentication. On unix platforms setting the…