How to find top IO Process

We can find top cpu cosumption process by prstat command in Solaris , sometimes it will be necessary for us to find which process is taking more IO or IO Waits. I had searched on the internet. i had find the script to find to top IO Waits. 1. 2.

Automated FTP in Unix

#!/bin/sh ### Sample Script and Method for FTP files from one ### Machine/Host to another Machine. ### ### If you want to ftp few file from ### Host-A (location /b002/org_files/) ### to Host-B (location /u001/b_loc), ### here is the script and methods. ### ### 1) Login into Host-B ### 2) cd /u001/b_loc ### 3) Then…

Troubleshooting ORA-1031 Insufficient Privilege

Today I tried to login as sysdba i was given this error “ORA-01031 Insufficeint Privilege”. So I thought to write troubleshooting tips for ORA-01031 Facts About Operating System Authentication 1. The following syntax is used while OS Authentication sqlplus / as sysdba 2. A SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES controls the operation system authentication. On unix platforms setting the…

Simulating ASM with 10g Database by faking the hardware

Simulating Asm by faking hardware 1. Faking Hardware 2. Instaling ASM Lib 3. Configuring the disks 4. Install DB & ASM instance Faking Hardware: Step 1) Here we create 4 zero-filed files using the DD comand As Root run the following commands, this will create 4 files of 2Gb each mkdir /asmdisk dd if=/dev/zero of=/asmdisk/disk1…

Statspack in Brief

Database Statistics Statspack is different from BSTAT/ESTAT Statspack collects more data, including high-resource SQL It precalculates many ratios such as cache hit ratios, rates and transaction statistics It uses permanent tables owned by PERFSTAT user to store performance stats It separates data collection from report generation It makes data collection easy to automate using either…