Automated FTP in Unix


### Sample Script and Method for FTP files from one 
### Machine/Host to another Machine.
### If you want to ftp few file from
### Host-A (location /b002/org_files/)
### to Host-B (location /u001/b_loc),
### here is the script and methods.
### 1) Login into Host-B
### 2) cd /u001/b_loc
### 3) Then run the following FTP scripts as follows
###    # auto_ftp.ksh > auto_ftp.lst &
ftp  -n << !EOF
user unix-username  password
cd  /b002/org_files

mget filename1
mget filename2
mget filename3

Script 2 
#!/usr/local/expect -f 

# File Name : ftp2host.exp                                                    #
# # Purpose   : This script automates the   ftp    telnet interface             #
# 1. Set the ftp prompt using a regular expression.
      set ftp_prompt "ftp>?"
      set hostname [lindex $argv 0]
      set username mbt
      set password mbt
      set ftp_prompt ftp
      set option bin
      set fname [lindex $argv 1]
## procedure for check for proper agrguments

proc testArgs {} {
global hostname
global fname

 if {$hostname == "" || $fname == ""}  {
   puts "\n#**************Invalid no of argumeters!!************#\n"
   puts " usage : expect ftp2host.exp  <hostIP> <currentDirFile> "
   puts "\n Note: given file(arg2) should be in current directory"
   puts "\n#****************************************************#\n"
   exit 0


## main program stats here starts with calling procedure testArgs
      #  Connect to the FTP server using the "spawn" command.
      spawn ftp $hostname

      # Wait for a login prompt.
      expect -re "(Name|login|Login|Username).*:.*" {

      # Login prompt received. Send user name to Unix server.
          exp_send "$username\r"
      } eof {
          #  No login prompt received. Display an error.
          exp_send_user "could not connect\n"

      #  Wait for a password prompt from the Unix server.
      expect "Password:" {
      #  Password prompt received. Send the password.
          exp_send "$password\r"

      #  Wait for an FTP prompt. Enter FTP commands.
      expect -re $ftp_prompt {
      # Change to the upload directory on the Unix server.
          exp_send "$option\r"

       expect -re $ftp_prompt {
      # Upload the file to the Unix server.
          exp_send "put $fname\r"

      expect -re "sent" {
      # Close the FTP connection to the Unix server.
          exp_send "bye\r"
        puts "\n ********$fname Transferred Successfully********"

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