
Steps for Changing Report Server Name

1. Stop your mid-tier
$OHopmnbinopmnctl stopall
Note: If the infrastructure and middle tier are installed on the same machine then ORACLE_HOME mentioned above is ORACLE_HOME of your mid-tier.

2. Stop EM Website
$OHbinemctl stop
Note: If the infrastructure and middle tier are installed on the same machine then stop Infrastructure EM, and if the infrastructure and middle tier are installed on separate machines then stop Middle Tier EM.

3. Rename $OHreportsconfrep_<hostname>.conf file to something else.
Note: ORACLE_HOME mentioned above is ORACLE_HOME of your mid-tier.

4. Rename $OHreportsserverrep_<hostname>.dat file to something else.
Note: ORACLE_HOME mentioned above is ORACLE_HOME of your mid-tier.

5. Edit $OHreportsconfrwservlet.properties file and change the SERVER parameter to the new in-process reports server name you want (this new name has to be a unique name), e.g. myRepSrv.
Note: ORACLE_HOME mentioned above is ORACLE_HOME of your mid-tier.

6. Create a backup copy of the $OHsysmanemdtargets.xml file.

7. Open $OHsysmanemdtargets.xml file and edit the below tag to reflect new in-process Report server name (myRepSrv) :
<Target TYPE=”oracle_repserv” NAME=”iAS902.shgoel-us.us.oracle.com_Reports:myRepSrv” DISPLAY_NAME=”Reports:myRepSrv” VERSION=”1.0″ ON_HOST=”shgoel-us.us.oracle.com”>
<Property NAME=”OracleHome” VALUE=”D:OracleSWiAS902″/>
<Property NAME=”UserName” VALUE=”orcladmin”/>
<Property NAME=”Servlet” VALUE=”http://shgoel-us.us.oracle.com:7780/reports/rwservlet”/>
<Property NAME=”Server” VALUE=”myRepSrv”/>
<Property NAME=”Password” VALUE=”7c857d418cf91dc7″ ENCRYPTED=”TRUE”/>
<Property NAME=”host” VALUE=”shgoel-us.us.oracle.com”/>
<MemberOf TYPE=”oracle_ias” NAME=”iAS902.shgoel-us.us.oracle.com” ASSOCIATION=”null”/>

8. Save the targets.xml file

9. Start EM Website
$OHbinemctl start

10. Start your mid-tier
$OHopmnbinopmnctl startall

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