Silent Installation of Oracle database

Silent Installation of Oracle database


This paper is for silent installation of Oracle Database Practice and Experience of the process of recording. Installation of 10g of silence which is conducted in RHEL AS3U4, 9i silent installation practice is in Windows XP Professional (SP2) on the. 9i installed three common CD-ROM, Oracle installing customized specifically for embedded 9i of a CD version of the 9204e, can download the version of the OPN site installation file. This article 9i install the version used in practice shall 9204e.

This understanding of Oracle database through the silent installation of the main steps and processes, can also be silent in this article as a simple installation guide for reference. If you need detailed silent installation process and parameters, please according to the actual operating system and database version of the kit reference OEIKit corresponding document.

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Install Oracle Database 10g silent Posts

The following is a Linux system to install Oracle Database 10g for silent practice, mainly divided into the following two steps:

Step 1. Oracle Database 10g software silent install


Recorded response file using the OUI, records the installation process

The following command, then OUI prompts to install the database in accordance with the operation of the software
$. / RunInstaller-record-destinationFile / tmp / install_database.rsp


Recording process, select only the installation of database software does not create a database

When the installation interface to reach the final step in the selection of cancel


Playback response file silent install Oracle database software

The following command to install Oracle database software silently

$. / RunInstaller-silent-responseFile / tmp / install_database.rsp

After installation is complete, the following script

#. $ ORACLE_BASE / oraInventory /

Optional parameters:

Can use $. / RunInstaller-help view of all optional parameters OUI example: $. / RunInstaller-silent-force-ignoreSysprereqs ORACLE_HOME = / oracle ORACLE_HOME_NAME = OHOME_1-responseFile / tmp / install_database.rsp


Silent uninstall the Oracle database software

The following command silent uninstall Oracle database software
$. / RunInstaller-silent-deinstall-removeallfiles-removeAllPatches “REMOVE_HOMES = ($ ORACLE_HOME)”-responseFile / tmp / install_database.rsp

Step 2. Silent install Oracle Database


Using DBCA to create a seed database – ISV actually need to use the database

(1) to create the initial database, select the Custom Database template when
(2) the proposed storage mechanism to use File System
(3) the proposed location of the data file selection

Use Oracle-Managed Files
Database Area: (ORACLE_BASE) / oradata

(4) memory recommended to choose Custom, specify the size of SGA and PGA
(5) character set set according to actual needs
(6) database creation option inside select Create Database
(7) The application needs to create the table space and user, import the initial data


According to seed the database with the DBCA to create a template

(1) Start DBCA, select Manage Templates
(2) follow the prompts to create a template


Oracle DB installation disk inside the response directory dbca.rsp copied to the machine


Modify dbca.rsp file, the template name and the DB name be added

If you need to use Oracle Enterprise Manager, you also need to modify the following parameters:


Use the following command to create a new database according to the template DBCA

$. / Dbca-silent-createdatabase-responseFile / home / oracle / embed / dbca.rsp


Proposed direct write. Ora file configuration listener


Configure listener using the following method Netca

(1) Oracle DB installation disk inside the response directory netca.rsp copy to the unit (2) modify the netca.rsp file

INSTALL_TYPE = “” custom “”

(3) execute the following command silent configuration Listener
$. / Dbca / silent / responseFile / home / oracle / embed / netca.rsp

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Silent installation of Oracle Database 9i Posts

The following is a silent installation on Windows systems Oracle database 9204e of practice, divided into the following three steps:

Step 1. Silent installation of Oracle 9i database software
Step 2. Silent install Oracle Database
Step 3. Silent upgrade ODBC Driver (optional)

Step 1. Silent installation of Oracle 9i database software


Get response file

(1) Method 1: In the $ MountPoint / install directory the following command to record a response file: setup.exe-record-destinationFile destinationFile.rsp

For example: D: \ Soft \ Oracle_product \ rdbms_9204e_win \ install> setup.exe-record-destinationFile D: \ Tmp \ install_oracle.rsp


(1) the need to respond in the recorded file to add INSTALL_TYPE = “EE” to specify the installation of oracle database enterprise edition (2) the need to respond in the recorded file change the following parameters: ACCEPT_LICENSE_AGREEMENT = true

(2) Method 2: based on actual need to modify the $ MountPoint / stage / Response / oracle.server.EE.rsp:

Of which the following parameters are set according to the actual situation:

FROM_LOCATION = “.. \ stage \ products.xml”




Playback response file to install Oracle database software

The following command to install Oracle database software silent setup.exe-silent-responseFile responseFile Name


Silent uninstall the Oracle database software

(1) perform the following SQLPlus script to shut down the database:
shutdown immediate
(2) to stop Oracle Service
(3) in the $ ORACLE_HOME / bin directory, execute the following command to remove the Oracle database
oradim-delete-sid% MY_ORACLE_SID%
(4) OEIKit Kit removeService.exe directory where the following command to remove Oracle network services
removeService Oracle% ORACLE_HOME_NAME% TNSListener
(5) to perform the following command to silently uninstall the Oracle database software
setup.exe-noconsole-silent-deinstall-waitforcompletion-monitorFile% monitorFile% ORACLE_HOME =% MY_ORACLE_HOME% ORACLE_HOME_NAME =% ORACLE_HOME_NAME% REMOVE_HOMES =”{“% MY_ORACLE_HOME% “)”-responseFile% responseFileDir% \ oracle9iserver_singlecd.rsp
For example:
D: \ Soft \ Oracle_product \ rdbms_9204e_win \ install> setup.exe-noconsole-silent-deinstall-waitforcompletion ORACLE_HOME = d: \ OraHome_2 ORACLE_HOME_NAME = OUIHome2 REMOVE_HOMES = “D: \ OraHome_2”-responseFile d: \ tmp \ install_test.rsp

Step 2. Silent install Oracle Database


Using DBCA to create a seed database – ISV actually need to use the database

(1) to create the initial database, select the Custom Database template when
(2) to set the character set according to actual needs
(3) database creation option inside select Create Database
(4) The application needs to create the table space and user, import the initial data


2.2.2 DBCA to create a template according to the seed database

(1) Start DBCA, select Manage Templates
(2) follow the prompts to create a template (3) will create a good template file (. Dbc and. Dfj) copied to the% ORACLE_HOME% \ assistants \ dbca \ templates \


Use the following command to create a new database according to the template DBCA

dbca-silent-createDatabase-templateName templateName-gdbname gdbname-sid sidName-sysPassword sysPassword-systemPassword systemPassword

For example:
D: \ OraHome_2 \ BIN> dbca-silent-createDatabase-templateName test.dbc-gdbname “”-sid “zesl”-sysPassword “oracle”-systemPassword “oracle”


Proposed direct write. Ora file configuration listener


Configure listener using the methods Netca with 1.2.7

Step 3. Silent upgrade ODBC Driver (optional)

Oracle DB 9204e Windows version of the installation is complete, ODBC Driver version is, in view of version of some of the optimization, some users will need to upgrade ODBC Driver, the following is a silent upgrade process:

(1) Reference odbc.rsp create a response file, which the following parameters set according to the actual situation: FROM_LOCATION, ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_HOME_NAME;

(2) using the following command to start the OUI, specify the response file to complete the silent upgrade: setup.exe-silent-responseFile responseFile Name For example: D: \ Soft \ Oracle_product \ rdbms_9204e_win \ install> setup.exe-silent-responseFile D: \ Soft \ Oracle_product \ ODBC \ ora9202 \ odbc.rsp

(3) 9202ODBC driver download address

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