Indian Epic Browser with Antivirus proctection
I was excited to see the feature of Epic browser. It is marvelous. You can download it from
I was excited to see the feature of Epic browser. It is marvelous. You can download it from
How To Troubleshoot Java-based Workflow Notification Mailer (Doc ID 242941.1) Unable To Start Workflow Notification Mailer (Doc ID 418329.1) How to Check Whether Notification Mailer is Working or Not (Doc ID 415516.1) Workflow Notification Mailer Will Not Start (Doc ID 278427.1) Workflow Notification Mailer Will Not Start (Doc ID 278163.1) Notification Mailer Does Not Start,…
SYNC TIME in Solaris 10 Server with Local Windows(Active Directory) NTP Server There are certain steps to configure NTP on Solaris, and it’s really easy and simple. Just follow the following steps For Starting NTP on Solaris: Logon to the server using root. Now go to /etc/inet/ Rename ntp.client to ntp.conf …
Unix Command’s for DBA’s Basic File Navigation The “pwd” command displays the current directory: root> pwd /u01/app/oracle/product/ The “ls” command lists all files and directories in the specified directory. If no location is defined it acts on the current directory: root> ls root> ls /u01 root> ls -al The “-a” flag lists hidden “.” files….
Cause The default internal name of the Oracle Database Gateway for DRDA 11.2 is 01010101 (see manual -> HS_DB_INTERNAL_NAME) whereas the TG4DB2 gateway used DB21020. Checking out the dba_2pc_pending table in the Oracle database hs shown a pending transaction started by the TG4DB2 gateway a long time ago and the Oracle database now tried to…
Simulating Asm by faking hardware 1. Faking Hardware 2. Instaling ASM Lib 3. Configuring the disks 4. Install DB & ASM instance Faking Hardware: Step 1) Here we create 4 zero-filed files using the DD comand As Root run the following commands, this will create 4 files of 2Gb each mkdir /asmdisk dd if=/dev/zero of=/asmdisk/disk1…
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [opixrb-4], [1036] ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [opixrb-4], [1036], [ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number ], [], [], [], [], [] According to metalink , this is a known bug. Bug 4964703 OERI[opixrb-4] [1036] from SELECT over DBLINK with trailing :N or :Q bind names Fixed-Releases: 9208 A203 PROPOSED SOLUTION(S) ====================== 1.Applying…