How To License A New Product in Oracle Applications

How To License A New Product in Oracle Applications

1. After purchasing a license for an Application Product/Module, the first thing is to use license manager to record that the product/module is now licensed. License manager can be run 2 ways:

a. log in through Oracle Application Manager (OAM) and select Site Map -> Administration tab -> License Manager

b. run from AD_TOP/bin

Using both methods you can license by Module or by individual Product. Select the check box for the Module/Product to be licensed and Save/Next

2. The Products are now licensed but not ready to be used as none of the Forms/Packages etc would have been compiled and loaded into the Database for these new Products. Use adadmin to generate the files for the new Product/s

a. run adadmin

b. Select Generate Application Files menu

c. Select all of the following Menu options:
– Generate message files
– Generate forms files
– Generate report files
– Generate graphic files
– Generate product JAR files

d. Back to Main Menu

e. Select Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities menu

f. Select all of the following Menu options:
– Compile APPS schema
– Compile menu information
– Compile flexfields

3. Once complete, check that the Forms/JSPs for the new Products licensed now work. The Products are now ready to be configured.

4. Run autoconfig.

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