How to find out Schema Passwords in a 10gAS Application Server

There are two basic methods to find out the schema passwords in a Oracle 10gAS Application Server:- A) Steps (through the ODM tool):- 1)   Log onto the host that hosts the infrastructure tier (e.g. host is – ausable) using x-windows like Hummingbird. 2)    Log on as user “oracle” – the user that did the install….


Recovery using RMAN

You lost the RMAN recovery catalog and controlfile. Restored controlfile from backup for example using dbms_backup_restore package and then restored and recovered the whole database with RMAN in nocatalog mode. When you register the database in a new recovery catalog, old backups in the controlfile are now inaccessible using the new RMAN catalog. A: 1….


Steps for Changing Report Server Name

1. Stop your mid-tier $OHopmnbinopmnctl stopall Note: If the infrastructure and middle tier are installed on the same machine then ORACLE_HOME mentioned above is ORACLE_HOME of your mid-tier. 2. Stop EM Website $OHbinemctl stop Note: If the infrastructure and middle tier are installed on the same machine then stop Infrastructure EM, and if the infrastructure…


Oracle Identity Management(OIM) How to reset OID cn=orcladmin password

Oracle Identity Management(OIM) How to reset OID cn=orcladmin password If you wonder what is the password for Oracle Internet Directory(OID) user cn=orcladmin after OIM installation, well, it is exactly the same as ias_admin password specified during installation of OIM. If you really want to reset the password, use included utility in $ORACLE_HOMEbin as follows:…

Oracle RMAN – Restore from any Disk Location

Oracle RMAN – Restore from any Disk Location RMAN looks for the backupfiles to restore within its catalog and therefore there is no RESTORE DATABASE FROM <Disk-Location> command. You can circumvent this constraint using the RMAN command CATALOG START WITH <Disk-Location>. The following example shows how to restore an Oracle database from any disk location….

Troubleshooting ORA-1031 Insufficient Privilege

Today I tried to login as sysdba i was given this error “ORA-01031 Insufficeint Privilege”. So I thought to write troubleshooting tips for ORA-01031 Facts About Operating System Authentication 1. The following syntax is used while OS Authentication sqlplus / as sysdba 2. A SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES controls the operation system authentication. On unix platforms setting the…