APEX 5.0: There are issues with the configuration of the Static Files in your environment

APEX 5.0: There are issues with the configuration of the Static Files in your environment

After installing Oracle APEX 5.0, do you get the alert “There are issues with the configuration of the Static Files in your environment. Please consult the “Configuring Static File Support” section in the Application Express Installation Guide.” when you try to login into the APEX Development Environment? This is not something which should be ignored just because it goes away when the OK button is clicked. This is actually a serious installation error message! Without fixing it, non of your Static Workspace, Application, Plug-in and Theme files will work anymore.

Note: In a Runtime Only installation the above error message can’t be displayed because there is no Builder Login page, but the URL of static files will contain static-files-not-configured which indicates the same issue.

The reason for the error is that a new required installation step was skipped during install/upgrade. In summary you have to do the following depending on how you access Oracle APEX:

ORDS/Oracle REST Data Services – Configuring Static File Support: You must configure RESTful Services in new installations and in upgrade installations when RESTful Services were not configured in a previous release. This is not an optional step anymore!
Embedded PL/SQL Gateway – Configuring Static File Support: Always run apex_epg_config.sql to copy the APEX images directory. In previous APEX versions you used apxldimg.sql but this script is not valid anymore.
mod_plsql/Oracle HTTP Server – Configuring Static File Support: Add the new required parameters PlsqlPathAlias and PlsqlPathAliasProcedure to dads.conf.

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