
Oracle Identity Management(OIM) How to reset OID cn=orcladmin password

Oracle Identity Management(OIM) How to reset OID cn=orcladmin password

If you wonder what is the password for Oracle Internet Directory(OID) user cn=orcladmin after OIM installation, well, it is exactly the same as ias_admin password specified during installation of OIM. If you really want to reset the password, use included utility resetiASpasswd.sh in $ORACLE_HOMEbin as follows:

First make sure your environment is setup properly for OIM home. (ORACLE_HOME param.)
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/resetiASpasswd.sh cn=orcladmin your_new_pass $ORACLE_HOME

To reset the password to a new randomly generated password, execute the following command in the Oracle home of the application server instance whose password you would like to change:

(UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/bin/resetiASpasswd.sh cn=orcladmin password ORACLE_HOME
(Windows) ORACLE_HOMEbinresetiASpasswd cn=orcladmin password ORACLE_HOME

password is the orcladmin password.

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