Changing OC4J ORMI Default Port for Oracle Warehouse Builder

The following are simple steps to change the ORMI default port in Oracle Warehouse Builder. Navigate to OWB_HOME\bin\win32 and run ccashut.bat(in case OC4J is already running). Next navigate to OWB_HOME\owb\jrt\config\rmi.xml file look out for rmi-server tag for port and ssl-port attributes. Change the default non-ssl port 23791 and ssl port 23943, to any port which…

Finding Database Session & Process Associated with a Concurrent Program Which is Currently Running

A concurrent program can be canceled either from “Submit Request Submission” form or from database side also. In case of custom concurrent programs, sometimes concurrent program do not release database session and process even though it has canceled from “Submit Request Submission” form. Active database process can be seen in running status. In those cases…